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Upper Primary Scope & Sequence

Series 2

Title Big Idea Aims Verses Values
1 Kingdoms Which kingdom are you in? That kids would discover about the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of this world. Genesis 1:1, Romans 10:9 Salvation, Truth, Jesus,
2 Kingdoms Part 2 Is living in God's Kingdom different? That Kids would understand how living in Gods Kingdom changes us from the inside out in God's Kingdom. Romans 14:17
2 Corinthians 5:17
Salvation, New Creation
3 Kingdoms Part 3 How to grow in faith as Christians To teach about growing in our faith in the Kingdom of God Galatians 5:22-23, Proverbs3:5-6 Maturity, Christian Growth, Kingdom of God
4 Kingdoms Part 4 Part 4 of our 4 Part Series on the Kingdom of God. In this episode our team discovers the importance of renewing our minds to the word of God.  Teach kids about renewing our minds to the word of God. Renewing the mind, transformation, bible, promises
5 Word of God Part 1 Part 1 in the 3 part ‘Word of God’ series. Looks at how the bible is the living word of God and how it can change my life for good. Teach kids how the bible is the living word that can change our lives for good. Proverbs 4:20, John 13:5, 2 Timothy 3:16, Mark 12:31 Word of God, Bible, Transformation
6 Word of God Part 2 Part 2 of our part series on the Word of God looks at how the word of God helps us in life. It grows our faith, reveals God’s nature and plan for salvation, sets us free, renews our minds and more!  To helps kids understand how the bible positively affects our life. Matthew 7:24, John 8:31, Psalm 119:11 Word of God, Bible, renewed mind, freedom, spiritual growth
7 Word of God Part 3 The promises of God Teach kids about God's promises. Philippians 4:13, Jeremiah 29:11, 1 John 5:14, Romans 10:17, Romans 8:28, Romans 10:13 Promises
12 Faith, Hope and Love The Love Out Loud crew do a deep dive into the spiritual tools of faith, hope and love and how they be used to change your circumstances.  teach kids about the spiritual tools of faith, hope and love Philippians 4:13, 2 Timothy 1:7, Romans 15:13, Psalm 103:3 Faith, Hope, Love
13 Christian Life Part 1 (Natural Man to Carnal Man) Our Love Out Loud crew dive deeper into three different stages of faith: Natural Man, Carnal Man and Spiritual Man. In this episode they look at what happens when we choose to ‘Hang a Left’ and become a Christian.  Teach kids the value and benefits of choosing to make Jesus Lord and Friend 2 Corinthians 4:4 Salvation, Christian Life, Natural Man, Carnal Man
14 Christian Life Part 2 (Carnal Man to Spiritual Man) The Love out Loud crew ask the big questions about spiritual growth. Is becoming a Christian the end of the journey or just the beginning? What else is there? Find out on this episode!  Teach Kids about the journey from Carnal Man to Spiritual man Spiritual Growth, Carnal Man, Spiritual Man
15 Christian Life (Part 3) The Love Out Loud crew take a deep dive into the life of ‘Spiritual Man’. They learn about the biblical concept of ‘santification’ and ask ‘How do we grow spiritually?’. Teach kids about Spiritual Man Luke 6:38, Ephesians 2:10, Proverbs 3:5,6 Sanctification
16 Christian Character What is Christian Character and why does it matter? Does right or wrong really matter if nobody’s watching? Find out in this episode of Love Out Loud!  Ephesians 4:17 - 32, Matthew 5:14, Joshua 24:15 character, integrity
17 The Trinity This episode of Love Out looked explores the mystery of the Trinity. How can God be three persons but still be one? Why did Jesus pray to God if He is God? How are the three persons of the Trinity different? Find out!  The LOL team explore the mystery of the Trinity John 10:30. Colossians 1:17, Jeremiah 23:24 God
18 The Holy Spirit This week our intrepid Love out Loud explorers seek to discover WHO is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? And how does the Holy Spirit transform our lives? Help kids understand the Holy Spirit John 14:26, 1 Cor. 2:10-11, Acts 2:38 God, Trinity, Holy Spirit
19 God the Father The Love Out Loud crew explore the shocking news that Jesus revealed. God is our Father. Why does this matter? How does this change our relationship with God? Find out in today’s episode. Hebrews 6:11, James 1:17Psalm 139:1-3 God, Father, child, relationship
20 The Life and Ministry of Jesus (Part 1) The Love Out Loud crew discover that the same God who ‘made’ the earth - ‘came’ to earth. Why did he do it? Find out in this episode!  To teach kids about the earthly life and ministry of Jesus Mark 1:14,15 Matthew 13:44 Incarnation
22 The Life and Ministry of Jesus (Part 3) In this episode of Love Out Loud, we explore the question, "What is Jesus doing now?" and delve into the concept of Jesus' "8-Fold Ministry." This installment specifically highlights Jesus' roles as our Lord, Intercessor, Surety, and High Priest. Join us as we uncover the significance of these aspects of His ministry in our lives […] John 1:29, Hebrews 3:1, Luke 22:32, Hebrews 7:21, James 1:5 Lord, Intercessor, Surety, High Priest
23 The Plan of God (Part 1) Creation to Jesus The Love Out Loud crew explore God’s amazing plan for humanity. In this episode we specifically look at from the time period Creation to Jesus. Why is the world the way it is? What choices to do have? Find out in this episode!  Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, John 3:16 The fall, sin, kingdom of God
24 Plan of God (Part 2) Jesus to Heaven This week our Love Out Loud team continue exploring God’s amazing plan for humanity. In this episode we specifically look at from the time period from the arrival of Jesus onwards.  The teach kids about God's amazing plan for all humanity. John 11:38-44 Jesus, Heaven, eternity, Free will
25 The Greatest Story Ever Told In this episode the Love Out Loud team explore the greatest story ever told. It begins with creation and a garden and it ends with a choice. Our choice to make Jesus Lord and friend of our life.  Genesis 2:8, Hosea 4:6, Romans 6:23, original sin, choice,
29 The Four Gospels and the Pauline Epistles In this episode, Ash and Kesiah explore the difference between the four Gospels and the Pauline Epistles, explaining that the Gospels tell the story of Jesus' life and ministry, while Paul's letters unpack the significance of His work for believers. 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 3:25, 1 Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Timothy 3:16 bible
30 Abraham In this episode our Love Out Loud team look at the life of Abraham. Abraham lived a life of faith and played a key role in God’s ‘Big Plan’ to be reunited with humanity.  Hebrews 11:19, James 2:23 Faith
31 Isaac, Jacob and Joseph In this episode our Love Out Loud team dive deep into the lives of Old Testament characters Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.  Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28 Trust, faithfulness
32 Moses, The Exodus, The Law Our team dive into the story of Moses who lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and fulfil God's promise to Abraham. Through Moses, God demonstrated His power and provision, from the plagues on Egypt to the parting of the Red Sea, showing that faith in God can overcome fear and challenges. Exodus 14:13, Genesis 15:13 The Law, Faith, Fear
33 Joshua and the Promised Land In this episode our Love Out Loud team look at the story of Joshua leading the Israelites across the Jordan river and into the promised land. What can we learn from how they faced  all kinds of obstacles and opposition?  Joshua 5:13, Joshua 3:1-17 Trust, Obedience
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