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Christian Religious Instruction (Christian RI)

Lower Primary Lessons (series 1) have been independently reviewed for Queensland State Schools.

Policy compliant

Our platform has been reviewed by an independent expert panel and has been found to be highly compliant with the Queensland Department of Education’s policies.


Covers core theological truths and avoids denominational distinctives.

Age appropriate

Reflects best practice in child development, both in content and pedagogy.


Uses the Contemporary English Version of the Bible to explore big ideas about Jesus and the Christian worldview.


Creatively filmed, using science, art, music, cooking, humour, games and puppets to make learning enjoyable.


Feedback from students and teachers is that the video lessons are great.

Easy to teach

Preparing and delivering lessons is simplified.

Free Episodes

Made in the Image of God
Lower Primary - S1:E2
Good News: It's Christmas
Lower Primary - S1:E31

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  • It with the greatest appreciation to you and the entire 'Love Out Loud' team that we write to you this letter of sincere thanks.

    COVID-19 restrictions caused our weekly in-person Church-time events to come to a grinding halt earlier this year. This was a problem for us because Church-time is a vital part of the ministry of our school.

    While Sam Penny was working with us here at Coffs Harbour Christian Community School, he mentioned that we as a school are welcome to use the 'Love Out Loud' material for our Church-time program. This was a lifesaver for us! It turned out to be an enormous hit with the students and staff alike.

    Adrian, we can't thank you and your team and the sponsor of 'Love Out Loud' enough for being faithful to the Scriptures and bringing solid teaching in each episode. You have all done a terrific job.

    We not only want to say thank you, but we also wish you everything of the best as you continue to use this platform to stir the hearts of children and adults alike.

    May God bless you and this amazing ministry,

    Richard Jackson
    Coffs Harbour Christian Community School

  • Just wanted to thank you for all the work you have put into the Love Out Loud videos.

    I've been teaching scripture now for about 15 years and I currently teach at two different schools. I'm also chairman on the Central Coast Christian SRE Committee. It's great to be able to offer the school something as good at this during this difficult time when we can't go in to teach.

    Really appreciate you passion and hard work for the Lord. I'm also really impressed how well Granny surfs, she is legend status!

    Brad McPartland
    Central Coast Christian SRE Committee

  • Loved it! The students were really engaged.

    Once they knew each segment they said it out loud e.g. 'Now it’s time for….’

    Was awesome! I love the ‘pause' so you have time to discuss something.

    We love the songs. Well done team!

    Carlee Yardley
    K-5 Coffs Harbour

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