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for home or church use


for school use
Number of Students Cost per annum
1-5 $25
6-10 $50
11-20 $60
21-40 $110
41-60 $160
61-80 $210
81-100 $260
101-200 $385
201-500 $885
501-1000 $1885


for use in Queensland State Schools (Australia only)
Pricing for RI in Queensland State Schools to be charged at the rate of $80 per instructor per year.

All subscriptions to expire on 31/12 each year and must be renewed for use in the following year.


for use in New South Wales Public Schools (Australia only)
Number of Students Cost per annum
1-5 $25
6-10 $50
11-20 $60
21-40 $110
41-60 $160
61-80 $210
81-100 $260
101-200 $385
201-500 $885
501-1000 $1885
Costs are based on the total number of students across, up to 10 schools on a single account.
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