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Lower Primary Scope & Sequence

Series 2

Title Big Idea Aims Verses Values
1 The Bible To introduce the Bible as a complete ‘guide book’ to God. To introduce the Bible as a complete ‘guide book’ to God.
For students to appreciate that the Bible tells us everything we need to know about God
2 Timothy 3:16-17 Appreciation, Curiosity, Respect, Awareness
3 In the Beginning For children to explore the Bible's answer to the big question, 'How did the world and everything in it begin?' For children to explore the Bible's answer to the origins of the world.
To retell the story of 'Creation' as found in the book of Genesis, chapter one.
For the learner to hear from the Bible that God created the world and everything in it.
Genesis 1 Appreciate God's power, Wonder at God's beauty
4 Sea, Land and Sky The Bible says 'Even though we can’t see God, we can know about him. If we look at the things he has made, we can know about him, that he is really great and really strong. Ever since God made the world, we can look at everything that he made, and we can know about him from those things.' Students will explore, question and discover God's amazing talent for design.
Students will explore the Biblical concept that creation brings glory to God the creator.

Romans 1:20
Genesis 1:20-22
Genesis 1:24
God's goodness, power and greatness, Design, Purpose, Care, Wonder, Curiosity
7 God's Creation Spoiled God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. To learn from the Bible that 1) Sin came into the world through Adam and Eve.
2) Sin (not listening to God) is a choice that spoils everything God made good.
3) Jesus was sent by God to fix everything sin spoils.
Genesis 3: 8-13 Faith in God, curiosity
8 A Voice in the Wilderness In the Bible, Matthew 3:1-8 we learn that John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World. To learn about John the Baptist, aka ' A Voice In the Wilderness' who was chosen by God to prepare people for the arrival of Jesus. Mark 1:1-8 Responsibility, Faith in God, Faithfulness in service
9 God Can Do Anything The resurrection of Lazarus demonstrates the power Jesus has over death. 1) Students will learn God can do anything as demonstrated through Jesus.
2) Retell the Story of Lazarus
3) Define the word Resurrection
John 11: 1-44
Luke 18:27
Faith, Hope, Trust
10 Easter You don't have access to this lesson. Username or E-mail Password Remember Me     Forgot Password To give students an opportunity to hear the story of Jesus' death on a cross and his coming back to life again.
Appreciate the significance of the Easter celebration on the Christian calendar.
Mark 14, 15 and 16, Matthew 28:8 and Matthew 19:26 Appreciation, Awareness, Respect
11 The Boy Jesus in the Temple Today we explore the one and only account in the Bible about Jesus as a growing boy. You can find this story in Luke 2:41-52 1) To explore the Bible story 'The Boy Jesus in the Temple'.
2) For students to understand Jesus, the Saviour of the world was a real person who experienced growing and learning like all human beings.
3) To explore what life was like for Jesus as a 12 year old boy.
Bible Story: Luke 2:41-52
Memory Verse: Luke 2:46
Curiosity, Wonder, Faith in Jesus
16 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind Jesus heals a man born blind. (John 9:1-30) For the learner to understand Jesus is the light who helps us see God. Without light you can't see much, without Jesus, you can't see God.
To retell the story 'Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind' John 9:1-30
For the learner to appreciate Jesus did this miracle to shine a light on the power and love of God.
John 9: 1-30, John 9:5
Appreciation, Respect, Faith in Christ, Wonder
19 Mary and Martha If you want to discover how amazing God is, how much He loves you and the incredible plans He has for your life... it’s so important to spend time with Jesus. To help children understand that spending time with Jesus is the key to growing our friendship with Him. Through the story of Mary and Martha, they'll learn that while it's good to be busy and help others, spending time with Jesus is the most important thing. Luke 10:38-42
Friendship, Relationship, Faithfulness, Stillness, Calm, Listening,
20 The Lost Coin This lesson is based on the parable of The Lost Coin. We'll discover every individual is valuable to Jesus. To retell the parable of 'The Lost Coin' through story and song
For students to know the coin was valuable to the woman and in the same way we are valuable to Jesus.
For students to hear that Jesus loves us and will never give up on us
Luke 15:8-10 (CEV)
Luke 19:10 (CEV)
God's love, Determination, Care, Value, Never give up
23 Noah's Ark (Part 1) This episode is based on the Bible's account of Noah. Noah did everything God to told him to do including building an ark. As a result Noah, his family and the animals were rescued from the great flood. To help students understand through the story of Noah that God loves, guides and cares for people who trust and follow him.
Noah was rescued because he listened to God and did everything God told him to do.
Genesis 6:5, 8- 22, Genesis 7:1-3, 5-20, Genesis 8:1-19, Genesis 9: 9-13 Obedience, Trust, Patience
24 Noah and the Rainbow (Part 2) God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of his promise that a flood would never cover the whole earth again. Noah was rescued because he listened to God and did everything God told him to do.
For students to understand the Bible says God put the rainbow in the sky as a sign of his promise.
Genesis 6:5, 8- 22, Genesis 7:1-3, 5-20, Genesis 8:1-19, Genesis 9: 9-13 Keeping promises, Trust, Obedience
27 The Big Rescue 2 Jesus was sent to rescue us from sin and bring us to God. A rescue available for everyone. 'The Big Rescue' is about God sending Jesus into the world to rescue people from the consequences of sin.
Sin means choosing to ignore God’s ways and it's a problem for all people.
Thankfully, the big rescue is available for everyone.
John 3:16
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Romans 10:13
1 John 4:14a
Wonder, Respect, Faith in Jesus, Appreciation
29 LOL Live (Part 1) You don't have access to this lesson. Username or E-mail Password Remember Me     Forgot Password In this lesson the children will learn what it means to live an exciting life of following Christ as they engage in songs about Jesus, faith-filled prayer and powerful parables. Matthew 6:9-13
John 3:16
Matthew 7:24-28
Trust in God, Respect, Faith
30 LOL Live (Part 2) You don't have access to this lesson. Username or E-mail Password Remember Me     Forgot Password In Part 2 of LOL Live, children will continue to learn about God through Bible based songs, facts about His magnificent creation and a quiz. Matthew 6:9-13
Genesis 1:24
Care, Wonder, Faith in Jesus
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